

summer lovin.

April showers bring May flowers, and oh how I wish we could skip the shower part. But, we are focusing on exams, so who really cares? (don't answer that question)...
I'm not one to walk around in sweat pants and a sweat shirt, but being couped up in my apartment hasn't given me the total motivation to dress up to go out in the rain. blech. However, today I took a trip to the library and I had a little spare time before I began studying to slap an outfit together. And as always, I had time to take pictures as well.

Featured here is a thrifted stripe blazer, thrifted silk v-neck tank top, jeans that I crafted into shorts, and leggings. A perfect motivational outfit to get some studying done.

Featured in this picture is a diamond necklace, which compliments the bracelets quite effectively.

Im wearing an assortment of silver bracelets, I grabbed all of them in my jewelry box and slapped them together.

If only life were frozen in a snapshot and we could live in one moment forever. I know we have all felt like that once in a while. Don't worry. The pressure of exams will be over soon, and there will be no need to study and worry. The only thoughts on your mind will be what bathingsuit to wear and what pair of sunglasses to throw on to compliment it (hopefully). If you're stuck in an office this weekend, then nix that last sentence.

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