There's the new cam! ha. It's a Canon Power Shot SD1200, grey. (thank god I bought a new one, the old one spurted smoke whenever the flash went off...)
I tried to take a mirror shot to show off my outfit, but it failed a tad.
Here's a better one. I'm wearing a tiger sequin long tank from Forever 21, with black leggings. I paired it with a leather jacket and black heels.
Think Rich, Look Poor at the London Taphouse, 9pm January 30th, 2010.
Featured: The lovely Shraddha in a leather grunge scene wearing a leather skirt and tube top.
The picture doesn't do the outfit justice, but I fell in love with the studs and sequins on the dress. It's absolutely gorgeous. However, I caught the model mid run into the back for a quick scene change. Darn.
Models prior to hitting the runway. Leather pants. mmmm.
A little bit of a better shot... I just wish I knew where all the clothes had come from!
A cute 80's scene?
There's the cutie.
Shraddha showing off her cute baby doll outfit with Richie, who looks spiffy himself.
A was situated in a spot where I could only see the models prior to going on stage, which was neat because I could get stationary pictures, but they're face aren't showing :(
Another shot of the baby doll, future Vogue featurette, I swear.
Notice the blonde model's outfit and shoes, extremely cute.
This was an amazing scene, the music and the clothes complimented eachother greatly. I'm not entirely sure what song it was, but it was slow, and it gave a surreal feel to the bar scene. The models walked slowly down the runway with no expression, almost as if they were zombies, or dead. It was really a sight. I got shivers.
Notice the ghostly clothes and blank expressions. I decided that Edward Cullen had made an appearance. (redhead model on right)
More ghostly clothes and models. I wanted to steal all the clothes they were so amazing! Featured, lace dress on the model on the left and a white suit on the model on the right.
Ghostly death stares.
1930's bathsuit scene: It was upbeat and extremely fun, the music that was playing had everyone in the crowd bobbing back and forth, swaying to the beat. Some of the bathing suits were extremely interesting too, like the one featured on the model wearing the hat. Why don't people dress like this anymore to go to the beach? I wish they would!
This scene somehwat reminded me of a 1990's street gang. I might be wrong, but the clothing just seemed to fit in that time period. I loved all the clothes however. Featured on Shraddha were these vibrant yellow high waisted pants and a burgundy belly top. She pulled it off amazingly, especially pairing the outfit with those sexy silver/gold closed toed booties.
I fell in love with this picture as soon as I took it. It captured the lightheartedness of the models back stage, jamming and dancing to the music. It was extremely cute. I also thought that the baby turquoise zipper sweater was really neat, and the entire outfit (paired with the hat and the high top shoes) was great.
Again, future Vogue model.
I thought the model (in the leather jacket) had a really well put together outfit. I'm not sure where the grey hoodie is from, or what it said on it, but it was really chic.
This was the last scene where all the models did one more run through in what they were last wearing. It was really amazing to see everything put together. All the clothes weren't in scenes according to where they were found in terms of shops, but more they were a mashup of anything an everything. The stylists working on this show must be complimented on their extreme skills. I adored the show.
Cannot forget the lingerie scene for all you boys out there... Each model sported a sexy lingerie set as well as a fur accent peice, which was then removed for a second run through where the models just displayed their lacy lingerie.
I decided I wanted a picutre with Edward. Shraddha joined in the picture and I laughed after I saw it. He did a perfect model pose, expertly mastering a somewhat vampire death look. I loved it.
Every look will be added to the Style Society website - - where the store that sponsored each piece will be specified.
ReplyDeleteThe song featured in the gothic scene is Fever Ray - If I had a heart
Thanks for writing a feature on the show, I enjoyed reading up on your perspective.